Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I have had some issues with the death penalty recently.  I am opposed to the death penalty, but not for moral reasons.  I think a lot of folks deserve to die, horrible deaths actually, but since my list (of those who should die) is not the "official" list, I must oppose all other such lists since my name may be on one of them!

I also don't like "the state" (any government) having the power of life or death over anyone.  An imposed penalty of death is irreversible, and government makes mistakes, so anything less than perfect should NOT be allowed with regard to imposing the death penalty.

So, my concerns are purely practical, not moral.  For example:

Most folks adhere to the biblical injunction about "an eye for an eye."  That is really stupid and counter-productive, because it obscures the VERY REAL deserving nature of those who SHOULD die so they cannot contaminate the gene pool. Consider those who shamelessly use the following words and phrases, to-wit:

Those who use this (non-)word are just stupid beyond belief.  There is no such word as "irregardless."  It is a thoughtless merger of "irrespective" and "regardless," both of which imply valid alternatives.  So, "irregardless" becomes sort of a double-negative, validating the very thing that the speaker is seeking to invalidate!  I think ANYONE who uses this (non-) word is a prime candidate for the death penalty and should be taken out of the gene pool BEFORE (s)he can breed and replicate his/her OBVIOUSLY broken DNA!

Obviously, anyone who dares to suggest they favor "reform" is a lying scum-sucker, intending to employ the police state into enforcing anything that does not resemble the "reforms" demanded!  No one is safe from the indiscriminate use of this word, including anyone who sincerely wishes to "reform" whatever and thereby reduce government intrusion, as the enforcement thereof would certainly require MORE government intrusion!

This is a dead giveaway.  There is no such thing as "bipartisanship," it being the lousiest ship that ever sailed the seas (to paraphrase the father of a college classmate).  P. J. O'Rourke, a "conservative" humorist (that is NOT an oxymoron) said that was the most dangerous word in the English language, and I agree!  Anyone promising "bipartisanship" is certainly not to be trusted!

"for the children"
This predicate is one of the most dangerous concepts in the mind of man!  It presupposes that anything done "for the children" can be excused if otherwise unacceptable for adults.  This sort of illogic should not be allowed to go unchallenged.  Of course, it is very risky to be seen as opposing ANYTHING "for the children," but the "children" mostly don't give a damn, and those who utter the phrase are quite aware that what they are about to propose is so manifestly unacceptable they are hopeful they can sell that nonsense by invoking "the children."  It is a dead giveaway and should set off alarm bells very quickly!  Children are much more sophisticated than the minds of mere adults can conceive, so they deserve to be given the same respect as adults.  Such people should, by all means, be given a sentence of death!

There are so many more evil words that merit the death penalty for the users:  "preservation," "taxpayer," God," "trust," "America(n)," "enlightenment," "benefit," "assistance," "help," "challenge," "truth," "message," patriot"!

How can ANYONE be against those pious concepts?  Well, I can!  Because, I know them to be false gods!  Too many half-wits worship at the altar of such foolishness!  They should be put to death, too, lest they contaminate the gene pool, too!

The utterance of any of those words should be an alarm bell to put the listener on guard!  Anyone who invokes those concepts should AT LEAST be avoided like the plague, if not put to death!

The short rule is that ANYTHING uttered that makes one feel "good" or feel satisfied is NOT to be trusted!  Talk is cheap!  Action is everything!  Do not be deceived, and focus your support of the death penalty where it is so richly deserved!

FINALLY, allow me to also include for the ultimate sanction those folks (including many women, unfortunately) who persistently hang in the left lane of the interstate while talking on their mobile phones without using cruise control (which their expensive cars and SUV's obviously have) such that their speed varies up and down, yet they are oblivious to the traffic desperate to get around them.  Must society continue to tolerate these extremely selfish people?  I think not!  I would also like to put to death anyone who has not voted in at least three of the last five elections!

Yes, the death penalty is a terrible sanction for society to tolerate, and mere government cannot be trusted to employ it correctly.  However, I remain ever hopeful that my list shall become the list to use!