I honestly regret that I have not been following Neil deGrasse Tyson's wonderful revival of Cosmos as closely as I did the original with the late Carl Sagan. In the last book co-written with his widow, Ann Druyan, Demon-Haunted World, Sagan and Druyan point out that, prior to about 1900, people would routinely report visitations by Angels of the Lord. Following the 1897 publication of H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds which, for the first time, introduced the notion of extra-planetary life (Martians) and space travel, reported visitations by said Angels have almost ceased, but they seem to have been replaced by reported alien visitations! H-m-m-m-m! How interesting!
It appears, therefore, that the subjective notion of space travel seems to have discouraged the Angels from dropping in, but the aliens surely out there are gonna get us any second! I saw it on TV, so it must be true.
Personally, I keep hoping for a flying saucer full of large-breasted women to land here at my farm who will dutifully probe me in all my orifices, then ask me to father the next generation. I realize they will probably kill me thereafter, like a male praying mantis but, at my age, who gives a shit?
I am not holding my breath, however! And, I am getting tired of waiting!
May the Force be with you.