Friday, August 15, 2014


I have personally witnessed the ravages of Parkinson's Disease, which my mother had for several years.  For her I think the worst things were the bizarre delusions she was having then recalling when her mind was clear.  Those delusions absolutely terrified her as she lost her mobility and her bladder and bowel control, all as her once-pretty handwriting shrank to almost-pinpoint size.

We think we know "reality," but the "reality" of those with brain disorders is beyond imagination!

I think any one of us has an absolute constitutional right to terminate his or her own life (or not) anytime he or she so chooses, REGARDLESS of reason, health, whatever.  In other words, the government does NOT have any legitimate power to force any of us to live beyond the time we rationally choose to die.  All the self-righteous do-gooders and control freaks to the contrary, it's past time for every one of us to rise up and assert absolute control over our own bodies, women AND men.  People need to demand that government meddling is NOT lawful!  And, it is NOT just about pain relief!  There is no way any doctor can relieve the horror of incontinence, having someone else wipe your ass and change your diapers several times a day, like a baby!

Dr. Kervorkian was reckless and foolish, but he was a national hero!

Therefore, I say that Robin Williams who was, according to his widow, in the early stages of Parkinson's Disease, had a perfect reason and right to end his life as he saw fit.  He may well have been "depressed," but he had a goddamned good reason to be depressed!  NO ONE in the United States has some pious Calvinistic duty to suffer the inevitable degradation of Parkinson's Disease!

I am very sorry that Robin Williams is no longer alive to entertain us, but I know he must have been scared, and I believe he chose a most rational way to die if he knew half of what I know about Parkinson's, which I assume he did.