Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Many people routinely complain about the "politicians," about their votes not counting, and about there being no choice in elections.  Most people are politically trapped in the "binary box," feeling forced to choose between a Democrat or a Republican, which this year boils down to choosing between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for President.  There are other choices available, but they are summarily disregarded because of the absurd perception that they simply "cannot win."  That is certainly consistent with the political myopia of the simple-minded.  Most people will likely be voting "negatively" this year, to prevent a particular candidate from winning, rather than voting FOR someone to win.

As for the notion that the votes "don't count," consider the following:

In Virginia elections for the past three years, the registered voter participation rates were:

2013--Governor, 43%

2014--US Senator, 40%

2015--Genl. Assy., 28%

(Might a majority actually show up this 2016 to vote for Prez?)

That is an average no-show rate of 65% over the 3 years!  That is appalling--almost 2 out of 3, and people DARE to whine that their votes don't count, often uttered as an excuse for not voting!  In 2013, Terry McAuliffe beat Cuccinelli by about 49% to 48%.  Considering that he won with 49% of the 43% who showed up: barely 21%, that is a ratio of about 1:4, which means that every person who voted FOR McAuliffe controlled the outcome for almost 4 other registered voters--not quite another one who voted for Cuccinelli and the three idiots who just stayed home!  The McAuliffe votes COUNTED, BIG-TIME!  Consider that if Cuccinelli had mobilized just a few thousand more votes, he would have won!

Most journalists and office-holders just let the nonvoters off the hook, ALL THE TIME!  They blame EVERYTHING ELSE for the low participation rate but the no-shows themselves!  This just sticks in my craw!  We should bring back public whippings for the morons who DON'T vote!  Just beat the crap out of them until they beg for their mommies!  How dare any of them complain about the "politicians" they had no role in choosing?

We truly get the govt. we DESERVE!

Back during the "Bush" years, a friend had a bumper sticker on his car that was the best I'd ever seen: "If you are not absolutely appalled, then you haven't been paying attention!"

[UPDATE 12/26/18: The Va. turnout for the 2016 presidential election was about 72%.  The registered-voter turnout for the 2017 Va. gubernatorial election was 47.6%.  The Va. turnout for 2018 was 59.5%.]