Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Recently I was discussing with a friend the possible adoption of a "gender identity" enforcement plan by our local public school board.  Some newer members are convinced that persons of the “male persuasion” (i.e., the “wrong” gender) are seeking to sneak a peek at girls’ genitals during bathroom usage.  As far as they are concerned, it simply must stop, whether it's actually happening or not!

I would never countenance such perversions, but it is difficult to distinguish motives here.  My friend is convinced that a middle-school male somewhere unremembered was fraudulently posing as a transgender person and had entered a girls’ bathroom there and raped a schoolgirl in the bathroom.  She was convinced it was "all over the news" a couple of years ago.

I try to keep up with the news, even though I no longer read a daily newspaper.  I sorely miss the ritual, but the newspapers have lost their appeal for me.  I simply had not heard of such a horrible event.  I think I would have likely heard of it had it occurred.  As far as I am concerned, it was NOT “all over the news.”

I told my friend that I was going to check it out, and I have examined what's available on Snopes.com, which I believe to be a reputable rumor verification site.  I could not find ANYTHING there except a cite about an event that involved the rape of a 10-year-old child IN HER OWN HOME by a transgender (former male) person.  Sadly, certain persons with perverted political agendas have projected this event to create the unfounded suspicion that ALL transgender and lesbian persons are potentially dangerous to schoolchildren.  So, my friend mistakenly fears there are “safety” concerns about ALL transgender persons, concerns that are unwarranted and which are being maliciously planted by people with nefarious political agendas.

See https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/miguel-martinez-transgender-bathroom-controversy/

It is sad and frightening that there are certain people so desperate for political power and control that they are willing to lie and misrepresent facts in order to cause trouble for persons struggling to cope with their various gender “misalignments.”  I believe the obsessions of such "Wrong-Wingers" about transexuals and gay people are sick and perverted in their own right.

Local school boards need to address the many problems they already have and quit trying to hassle those who are struggling with their personal gender assignments.  Understandably, local governments must protect their schoolchildren, but they do not have any legitimate power to presume some sort of blanket group criminality and forcibly screen the gender of those using school bathrooms.  In other words, everybody has the unmitigated RIGHT to use any bathroom they legitimately feel is right for them, without having to pass some sort of government gender “test” to do so.

Certain self-proclaimed “conservatives” may presume certain other peoples’ criminal intentions, but that is simply not legally allowed in the United States.



I am now informed that there was a single incident in Northern Virginia about a middle-school troublemaker who was REJECTED by a female with whom he had had sexual relations, but he followed her into a girl's bathroom and allegedly molested her. It was widely reported in media with which I'd had no contact.
