Sunday, February 25, 2007


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 (To the tune of, and with apologies to the author of,"The Wreck of the Ol' 97")

Well, they give us our orders nearby Northern Virginia, saying
"Folks, you're way behind the times.
This is not '68, this is 2012--
You must surrender your rights and not whine."

Well, they turned around and said to the Enabler-in-Chief,
"Shovel 'em some 'Hope’ and ‘Change'!
And when folks realize they've been had, but good,
Just ignore their screams for revenge!"

Well, it's a mighty tough job to save our rights,
Never meant by “Original Intent”! 
We get secret courts and we lose due process,
Real patriots should never repent!

We are going down the tubes, making hash of our freedoms,
It's no use to yell or to scream.
A horrible wreck; dissent has been throttled!
Pledge Allegiance, or be kicked off the "Team"!

Well, the word come down from Washington, DC
And this is how it read,
"The spirit of the 'Sixties and your precious Bill of Rights
Are a-rotting in the grave somewhere dead!"

Now all you folks, you'd better take this warning
From this time on, and learn:
Never speak harsh words 'bout dem gum'mit boys,

You may see "Gitmo" and never return!

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