Tuesday, June 26, 2007


(The following was written in May of 2007 and revised 6/26/07:)
Black Granite Hole;
Bomber wing of shame, plunged, imbedded into the Earth.
Searing laser names, following me like piercing eyes.
Yet, I return, time and again, knowing no one thereon.
Yet, I return, time and again, weeping uncontrollably,
Knowing no one thereon.
Tearful anger boils inside.
No one thereon has any business thereon.
That undeclared “war” was bullshit.
This undeclared “war” IS bullshit.
Déjà vu all over again.
Innocents sent by “elders,” safely ensconced in their upholstery.
Innocents dying bravely or being mangled,
For Dog and Country.
Corporations making money.
Dulce et decorum est.
Fail to “support the troops” at your cowardly peril.
“Fight ‘em there or fight ‘em here.”
“They” are already here; always have been. Oops.
Kill ‘em anyway.
Feeling good is patriotic.
Feeling patriotic is good.

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