Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The three best “O"-words in the English language are:

OBSEQUIOUS—2. Servilely attentive; compliant to excess; cringing; fawning….

ODIOUS—Deserving of or provoking hatred or repugnance….

OLEAGINOUS—Of the nature or quality of oil …; oily; unctuous.

(Ref. Webster’s New International Dictionary, 2d Ed., Unabridged (G. & C. Merriam, 1957, 1959).)


UPDATE--Consider also:

oafish, obdurate, obfuscate, oblivious, obloquy, obscenity, obsession

OBSTIPATION--Extreme constipation.

obstreperous, obstinate, obnoxious, obtrusive (extreme intrusiveness), obtuse

ocker, odiferous, odorous, offal, offensive, officious, onslaught, opinionated, 

oppressive, opprobrious

ORDURE--Evoking excrement.

orgiastic, ornery, ossified, ostentatious, ostracize, otiose, outrageous

Odious olfactory onslaught!  Pee-yew!

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