Friday, July 2, 2010


Elena Kagan, Solicitor-General of the United States and former Dean of the Harvard University Law School, has been nominated by President Obama to the US Supreme Court to take the seat of retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. 

I am uncertain of Kagan's commitment to personal liberty, which is the most important quality a Supreme Court justice should have, in my opinion. Among other matters, she has been credited with fashioning the legislative compromise on "partial-birth abortion" when she worked for the Clinton Administration. My problem with the whole "partial-birth" abortion thing is that it was dishonestly presented as a procedure whereby perfectly healthy babies were being wantonly killed off in late-term pregnancy. "Partial-birth" abortion is not even a recognized medical procedure. 

The correct medical term is "dilation and extraction"--"D&X"--and it is performed whenever a fetus is "anencephalic," which is a fetus that forms without a brain, and the skull is filled with fluid and thus too large to SAFELY pass thru the birth canal. The D&X procedure allows the attending to drain the fluid by puncturing the skull and deliver the poor brainless fetus normally without having to perform a somewhat dangerous Caesarian, which will now be required in the case of an anencephalic fetus in all cases because the D&X is now outlawed. Had perfectly healthy babies been killed off as alleged, I think we would have heard about it from horrified healthcare personnel long before now. I have never heard of such an provable instance.  

I fault the healthcare professions for not speaking out against the political "tsunami" when these matters were pending in the Congress and state legislatures. Most tucked their tails between their legs and scurried for cover, there being a shocking lack of courage and intellectual honesty on their part. 

Much of what has stirred the "booboisee" up on this issue is the Big Lie writ large, once again.

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