Monday, March 26, 2012


A close friend reported going to hear a theologian talk about atheism. I sent him the following reply:

I am fascinated by all these "reverends" and "theologians" speaking about atheism. It really does twist their little pointy tails right up! I think a lot of folks are really bugged that there are some of us out here who just don't buy into the "fairy tales." They are desperate to refute what they THINK we are saying! I think they are scared we might be RIGHT! Before he died, Christopher Hitchens was one of the few atheists going around and talking about it. Most of us hide in the closet. It's not a popular philosophy. But for the most part, atheism gets discussed by those who are hostile to it, so their objectivity is open to question.

I am NOT "anti-theistic." Some atheists are, but I think that is a different kettle of fish entirely, and I think it's dishonest and counter-productive. If one is truly "anti-theist," then he or she is self-encumbered with a burden to prove the NON-existence of a deity, and that is absurd! I can't PROVE a goddamned thing! I have no clue whether there is a deity out there or not. But, I just don't care! As Bill Maher said a few weeks ago, if God will show an unambiguous sign and/or his followers can prove his existence, then I shall immediately change my mind! PRAISE THE LORD! But, until that proof is forthcoming, I CHOOSE to be a skeptic. I CHOOSE to simply not believe. I recognize I could be wrong, but I DON'T CARE! I also do not speak for any other atheist. There is as much variation among atheists as there is among Episcopalians. Some atheists may vehemently disagree with my views!

The magician, Penn Jillette, says there is really no such thing as "agnostic." If one says he or she "does not know" IF there is a deity, then that means they simply do NOT believe there is a deity! One either KNOWS it or does not KNOW it! There is no inbetween. All True Believers (the ones I have talked to) will say they KNOW God exists! It is a moral certainty for them. Fine. I am glad they are certain. They COULD be right! I DON'T CARE! (I personally think they are "whistling by the graveyard"!) But if one does not KNOW, then one cannot possibly believe in the affirmative, which is the true posture of an atheist. A true atheist is not CERTAIN, either. The true scientist is never certain of anything, for a fundamental element of the scientific "persuasion" is that anything a true scientist believes could be proven false AT ANY TIME! That is the essence of the "scientific method": the RISK of being proven wrong!

How many True Believers are willing to admit the POSSIBILITY of error? I have yet to meet one! In his wonderful opera, Faust, Randy Newman has the "Satan" character saying that "religion is the product of a desperate mind that knows it is going to die"!

About 15 years ago, I was interviewed by the local Episcopal rector who was working on his doctoral dissertation, and he was obliged to interview an atheist or agnostic, so he asked to talk to me. He came by my house and we had a very pleasant discussion for about 2 hours. I liked him a lot and considered him a friend. The local Methodist minister was also a friend, and the local Baptist minister and his wife were clients and came to a couple of my wild-ass parties! I guess they felt "safe" there to have a good time, and they did!

I am not anti-theist, but I am anti-establishmentarian. The US may well be a "Christian nation" (whatever in the hell that means), but we are supposed to have a secular government. I try to keep that on the level! I am obliged to defend the rights of others to worship who- or whatever they wish, but I don't have to buy into their silliness.

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