Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dulce Et Decorum Est #2

(The following was a comment posted to the NY Times in an article about the award of the Congressional Medal of Honor to Sgt. Ty Carter, who survived not only combat but also PTSD.)

The NY Times should not promote the Big Lie that "Mr. Obama, ... pulled the last American troops out of Iraq...." There are plenty of US troops STILL in Iraq, for a very long time to come.

I also seriously doubt that the "war" (utterly undeclared by Congress) "is winding down ... in Afghanistan." Central Asia has been a bone of contention and a hotbed of conflict for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. US bases are in central Asia to stay, thanks to us taxpayers, most of whom (not I) vote to continue this nonsense.

A major problem with the blatantly militaristic foreign policy of the US is that the Supreme Court AND the Congress allow the Executive Branch to unilaterally and unconstitutionally conduct offensive offshore military operations at will, so that we Americans can pretend there is really no war so long as the Congress does not declare one, and we can all go about our business basically ignoring the thing UNLESS a President gets desperate and starts drafting people. We are still obliged to be witless "patriotic" supporters, however.

The alternative, of course, is to keep recycling the same "volunteers" (like Sgt. Carter) over and over through the killing fields and burning them out, if they dare survive. Contrast our Vietnam idiocy with our central Asia foolishness.

"Dulce et decorum est...." No one in the US should be obliged to die for one's country unless Congress has the guts to declare war.

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