Well, it looks like about 6-½ years after his first inauguration, Obama has finally found some testicles! He's not ready to star in "High Noon" or anything like that, yet, but the move to put Cuban relations on a more sensible plane is laudatory.
Enough of the Cold War already! Castro is a half-dead geezer, and his brother Raul is not far behind. "Things" are going to be different in Cuba soon enough! I would also argue that Castro would have been gone long ago had we not made him the "villain" and thereby ensured his adoration in Cuba despite all his absurd policies! The idiotic US embargo of that country has been our national shame until the CIA torture stuff. It is interesting to note that the CIA has been at the bottom (cesspool) of both policies. Yet those twits could not protect us from "9/11" nor even from the Boston bombing! What a worthless organization!
The move to liberate those "undocumented aliens" who were brought to the US as children (so-called "DREAMers") is another smart move. What kind of idiot wants to deport those folks? They are as "American" as I am, and most are paying taxes and doing well! Wednesday, the US Supreme Court refused to review a Court of Appeals decision that blocked the attempt by Jan Brewer, the governor of Arizona, to deny those poor folks drivers licenses to ensure that they would have no way at all to commute to jobs and be productive citizens. Those halfwits in Arizona government are a good example of just how stupid STATE governments can get, for those who think "states' rights" is a good idea!
Obama cannot lift the anti-Cuba embargo on his own. He will need to persuade Congress to approve that, and I doubt that is in the cards. The question is begged: why was Obama so aimless and tentative when he had a functional majority of Dems in the Congress his first 2 years? Basically, Obama should go down in history as one of the most INEFFECTUAL presidents we've ever had because he squandered the opportunity (mostly with that pig of a law called "Obamacare") to arguably get progressive measures adopted by the Congress. The Dems who lost control of the House in 2010 have no glory to share, either, although the House healthcare bill was a pretty good bill, and Nancy Pelosi deserves the credit. It later got trashed in the Senate once Harry Reid put his filthy paws all over it. The feckless Obama was almost totally AWOL during the House proceedings and basically did not get involved until the matter went to the Senate, where he and Harry Reid connived to turn the measure into an insurance-company relief act by preemptively gutting the House-passed "public option" without any debate whatsoever! "Obamacare" is Obama's sole legacy of any significance. Pathetic.
I have been complaining about Obama's tentativeness and lack of courage. These recent moves are really the first I have ever seen to the contrary. I fear it may be too little/too late, and if a Republican is elected in 2016, even "Obamacare" may get totally repealed. I don't think there is any secret that most Republicans want NO publicly-funded healthcare at all. I think most citizens do (not necessarily "Obamacare"), but they have mostly ignored those electoral risks. It seems that Republicans would rather be surrounded by a bunch of untreated sick people and poor people who clog emergency rooms and wind up forcing paying patients' bills higher that get paid by insurance companies that raise premiums to pay for the care of those poor people ANYWAY! DUH! "Democracy" is not going to win the IQ contest for sure!
I think the 2014 election was more a repudiation of the tentativeness and timidity of Obama and the Democrats rather than an affirmation of Republican policies. But the results do not lie. Regardless of what motivated the absurdly low 40% of voters who showed up in Va. this year, or what motivated the 60% that sat on their worthless asses on Election Day and did not vote, the Republicans are in charge in Congress, and Obama will be lucky to get his paycheck from here on!
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