Monday, April 11, 2016


© 4/11/16 All rights reserved.  (See 3/19/08.  Updated 2/7/18.)

This came to me over several weeks in the early spring of 2016, and it is based upon several observations of others about which I recently read.

Most of us know that there is no such thing as a true “vacuum.”  That is, to say, a vacuum does not affirmatively “suck.”  It is merely the ABSENCE of air pressure, and whenever anything moves toward a vacuum, like in a mercury barometer, it is really the ambient air pressure that is PUSHING down on the exposed reservoir of mercury and up into the “vacuum” tube.  In outer space, a mercury barometer would not work because there is no air pressure.

Perhaps gravity is really not masses drawn toward each other by the energy of some mysterious subatomic “God” particle (the recently confirmed “Higgs” boson, for example) but is, instead, the ABSENCE of energy within a mass that allows EXTERNAL "dark energy" (currently causing the known Universe to expand) to also PUSH mass objects toward each other (thus “gravity”).  I am only a layperson, so I do not have the knowledge of math nor physics with which to test these speculations.  I must leave that to others.  (In his 1997 novel, Mason And Dixon about the 18th-Century surveyors who created the eponymous line, Thomas Pynchon opens with a sailing-ship voyage in the 1700's to watch a total eclipse of the sun somewhere in the South Pacific.  The BOATSWAIN (pronounced "bosun") on board the sailing ship is aptly named "Higgs"!)

So, what if that “dark energy” is what PUSHES objects together (manifest as Einstein’s warpage of space-time) like a roulette ball going around the wheel being confined and “pushed” around by the rim of the wheel bowl?  And, because the objects of matter being “pushed” together have mass, that mass (the absence of “dark energy”) actually creates a sort of “vacuum” that allows the external “dark energy” of gravity to push those mass objects closer together!  That's my story, and I'm sticking with it!

I assume that there is a constant whereby the acceleration of "gravity" is proportionate to the mass of the two objects in attraction.  For instance, on Earth, a body approximately 8,000 miles in diameter, objects are “attracted” to fall toward the Earth at a uniform acceleration rate of around 32 feet per second per second.  Most objects thus attracted are not of such a mass as to create a measurable differential in attraction.  The “pull” of gravity on the Moon is less, but we know that the Moon's gravity does "attract" the Earth, the tides and other objects.  The “pull” of gravity on Jupiter is probably way more than either!

Hell if I know!

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