Monday, June 19, 2017


(Published in the Richmond [Va.] Times-Dispatch 6/14/17, “Flag Day,” inexplicably without the last sentence!)

Dear Editor:

I have concluded that there is WAY too much attention being paid to the many peccadilloes of Donald Trump, and that we should ALL just shut up about him.  He is NOT going to change nor reform.

I agree with Trevor Noah of “The Daily Show” that there is so much silly stuff coming from Donald Trump that a whiplash injury may well result from jerking one’s head back and forth trying to comprehend all the absurd words and deeds of Donald Trump.

I propose that a 30-day period of self-imposed total silence about Trump be observed from June 20 to July 20.  He may well be unable to bear the burden of being utterly ignored and thus have a meltdown!  We owe ourselves at least THAT much!

I hereby express my gratitude in advance to those who refrain from pointing out that I have already violated my own suggestion!

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