Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Regarding MASTERPIECE CAKE SHOP vs. COLORADO; oral arguments were heard in early December of 2017 before the US Supreme Court:

The case concerns the refusal of Jack Phillips, who claims to be a devout Christian, refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay male couple in Colorado.  The Colorado Civil Rights Commission had held that, as a business, the Shop cannot refuse to DO BUSINESS with anyone pursuant to a prohibited discrimination.  Phillips asserts that his First Amendment right to freedom of religion prevents the Colorado government from forcing him to violate his fundamental moral and religious beliefs.

I have a serious observation about that: I assume that Phillips objects primarily to the manner in which gay men purportedly have sex.  If so, he should hurry to bake the cake and do everything he can to expedite the marriage, because we all know that married people don't have sex!

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