Thursday, September 6, 2007

Alpha & Omega (2 poems)

Breath, oh so hard coming; my
Chest is thick with anticipation.
Sleep is a dear experience; time
Crawls, as in a cannabine fog.
Defining this exquisite excruciation,
Opining as to its "very real sense."
Nonsense! I can no more than babble--
Consequence eludes consciousness.
"UNDERSTAND, NOW, one can't be too hasty in such matters-
On first and second date, stay cool, don't
Drool all over her,
Fool!" Restraint escapes discipline.
She is almost here; I clock her course,
Breezing, breathing, closer in my mind.
Let her presence be as thrilling as her image;
Yet her memorized features hide from my straining brain.
A car door's muffled thud:
Ardor's racing past uncertainty.
Passion jolts my heart as I see her,
Dashing into my arms' tight embrace.

(November 6, 1987)

Breath, oh so hard coming; my
Chest is thick with pain and dread.
Sleep is a dear experience; time
Crawls, as in a cannabine fog.
Defining this exit excruciation,
Opining as to its "very real sense."
Nonsense! I can no more than babble--
Consequence eludes consciousness.
"UNDERSTAND, NOW, one can't be too hasty in such matters-
No first or second dates; don't fret,
Time yet for tears, fears;
Opine as to what happened. Knowledge escapes consciousness.
She is gone now; I clock her course,
Leaving, fading, farther from my mind.
Oh, how her presence was so thrilling, so reassuring;
Now her memorized features hide from my straining brain.
A car door's muffled thud:
Ardor's racing past uncertainty.
Fear and sadness jolt my heart; it is not she,
No longer in my arms' tight embrace.

(May 18, 2006)

1 comment:

ell said...

no doubt another hard woman ...