(The following is a compilation of 5 e-mails sent in November of 2009 expressing my severe reservations about Pres. Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress, and my intention to step away from supporting them further. It is now January of 2010, and my views have become more hardened, unfortunately.)
I hesitate to levy any criticism of Barack Obama these days because I do not want to get lumped in with the know-nothing knuckle-draggers who are complaining about Obama's attempts to clean up the many horrible messes left behind by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and the gang of near-criminal thugs they led for 8 years. After only 9 months on the job, Obama does not deserve those kind of criticisms.
Many Obama supporters will also find fault with my criticisms of Obama because they will assert that I am impatient and unfairly unwilling to give Obama the time he needs to address all the many faults I have found. I would agree with those supporters, but the things that upset me (and probably don't bother the "tea-baggers," "birthers" and "deathers") are those matters which should have mostly been addressed in the very first days and are definitely not mutually exclusive from getting proper health-insurance reform adopted. I fear that Mr. Obama and I have fundamental philosophical differences that apparently amount to differences with the general direction of the Democratic Party as well.
After only 9 months of his presidency (now about a year), I have concluded that I will not likely vote for Obama in 2012, and I may well vigorously campaign against him, EVEN IF it means that a Republican will be elected. Of course, the passage of time could work to change my mind, but that is not likely if Mr. Obama's errors and omissions, policies and procedures do not also radically change. My fellow progressives and civil libertarians may well follow my lead. We ought not to be taken for granted by so-called "mainstream" Democrats, and we ought not to chow down on the "half-loaf" usually served up our way. Not anymore. To quote Damon Wayans: "Homey don' play dat [no mo']."
Let me be specific:
Since being elected President, Barack Obama has allowed, encouraged or supported the following abominable developments:
1. Renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act;
2. Continuation of the undeclared and open-ended pseudo-wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (stupidly sending more volunteer service personnel to the latter);
3. Continuation of unconstitutional, taxpayer-funded "faith-based" programs;
4. Continuation of Blackwater/Xe Corp.-security for the State Dept. in Iraq and Afghanistan;
5. Continuing to post "occupying" troops in Germany and Japan;
6. Continuing to allow NASA to squander billions of taxpayer dollars researching the unattainable manned mission to Mars;
7. Refusing to investigate allegations of criminal conduct within the Bush Admin.
8. Allowing the unwarranted 2001 Bush tax SUBSIDIES of wealthy folks to continue;
9. Continuation of some semblance of the thoroughly discredited "War On Drugs";
10. Failing to provide unambiguous and focused leadership on health-insurance reform;
11. Overweening effort at "bipartisan" development of health insurance reform in the face of obvious bad faith of Republicans;
12. Acquiescence in compulsion of taxpayers to purchase health insurance from private vendors under penalty of criminal prosecution for tax evasion--utter disregard and mockery of constitutional questions;
13. Acquiescence in imposition of "revenue neutrality" on health ins. reform;
14. Failure to provide clear and firm leadership on healthcare changes, thus allowing both Houses of Congress to approve unconstitutional quagmires, in part due to the Conventional Wisdom of Rahm Emanuel;
15. Continued unconstitutional detention of criminal suspects at Guantanamo and Baghram AFB without DUE PROCESS: access to counsel, precise criminal charge, reasonable bond and speedy trial. Art. II of the Constitution does not allow what has been going on--not for Bush, not for Obama.
15. Promotion of Conventional Wisdom of trickle-down "free-market capitalism" in unconditionally shoveling out trillions of taxpayer dollars to Wall Street while ignoring 10%-plus US unemployment, depressed consumer spending and the resultant illiquidity of small businesses;
16. Failure to establish aggressive, effective regulation of banking and business activities, especially in the area of antitrust enforcement; and
17. Maintenance of bean-counter economic mentality through continued association with Goldman Sachs alumnus Robert Rubin and his seemingly corrupted acolytes, Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geithner.
This is as comprehensive a list of my gripes as I can now fashion, but it may not be exhaustive. Obama is just too solicitous of the bad-faith Republicans in our midst, and he is not going to be well-served by such an approach, in my opinion. Bill Maher asked a few weeks ago, "What is it about the White House that turns [its occupants] into assholes?" Why is Obama breaking my heart like Bill Clinton did? I have overstayed my welcome in "Heartbreak Hotel"!
As I said earlier, I realize that MY list of concerns is not generally shared by the raving-idiot White Trash questioning Obama's birth certificate and drawing invidious, absurdly illogical comparisons to Hitler and Stalin, drawing Hitler" moustaches on his photos. I have been a general-practice lawyer for over 36 years, and I know something about what concerns me, while most of the others are just ignorant twits foaming at the mouth about what they DON'T know.
I daresay the Republicans have done a good job of controlling the debate and protecting their "brand" of reduced taxation (and a collapsed domestic federal state), while the Democrats desperately grope in vain for a brand to call their own. For many years I toiled as a county Democratic chair and supporter. I worked the polls on election days, often in the rain. I organized and hosted many fundraising events, many at my own expense. I donated a lot of money (for me) to candidates, often in vain. I shared joy in electoral successes and took most of the blame for local failures. I was a proud Democrat when it was VERY unpopular to be one. But, I have no regrets or shame.
Nevertheless, the state and federal leaders of the Democratic Party chose to mostly ignore my pleas to adopt the "brand" of aggressively promoting personal liberty and constitutional restraint. Silly me! I thought those objectives were fairly consistent with what I believed the Democratic Party mostly stood for, though at one time the Republican Party (despite Richard Nixon) had mostly stood for those principles, at least until Ronald Reagan predictably caved in to the "Religious Wrong." I came to realize that the important thing to most Democrats was not a philosophical consistency (like the Republicans) but merely winning elections--beating Republicans, then doing as we pleased thereafter.
I came to realize that I no longer belonged in the Democratic Party, so I left in 1995 to avoid supporting Bill Clinton for re-election. Nevertheless, I voted for Barack Obama in 2008, and I am proud that America elected him. John McCain and Sarah Palin were losers in such a profound sense, and we are, despite my complaints, better off without them. I daresay John McCain would have been even more disdainful of constitutional restraint than is Barack Obama. His predictable, slutty sellout to the "Religious Wrong" last year after his brave (and costly) exhibition of independence in 2000 was disheartening. No "maverick" there! Sadly, not anymore. I doubt Sarah Palin even knows what the Constitution is! She's been too busy pimping her pathetic, ghost-written book to bother to read it.
But, that was last year. In politics, the past really does not count. Despite her book-selling successes, Sarah Palin is a political nobody, and that will be demonstrated in due course. Barack Obama is now President, and the ongoing policies are his, despite the obvious messes inherited from Bush-Cheney. They are now gone, too. Enough of excuses, already. Obama has to show his own stuff now, and I believe he is failing the test.
Contrary to most Republicans who seek the ruination of the Obama Administration and the destruction of the civil side of the federal government, as well as the further enrichment of rich folks and the abolition of reasonable, lawful restraints on monopoly, I want to see the Obama Administration succeed. I want to see policies promoted that restore the Rule of Law and prioritize the guarantees of personal liberty over the exercise of government power, both objectives being clearly established within the text of the US Constitution. I honestly believe that "success" for the Obama Administration lies in trusting the Constitution, which has been abandoned by most Republicans. Leaders in both parties now cherry-pick the thing horribly. Enough, already! None of us gets to disregard what we don't like therein.
Harry Truman famously said that if you run a pretend-Republican against a real Republican, the people will vote for the real Republican every time! It's time for Obama to lead his fellow Democrats in order to find their spine and their voice, to support true and meaningful government reform and restraint, and to promote individual liberty.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
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