Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dems vs. Re-Pubes

(From an e-mail reply to a friend, inquiring about my (non-)involvement in the raising of the Va. interstate speed limits to 70 mph, and the absurd national DUI standard of 0.08% blood alcohol content, thanks to that "liberal" Bill Clinton.)

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The Dems are often worse than the Re-Pubes, when it comes to correcting our ways!

The Re-Pubes want to criminalize all but the "Missionary Position" between hetero married couples, and the Dems want to make sure we don't sprain our private parts while doing "it" (because they heard somebody, somewhere suffered that misfortune) by requiring a govt.-approved "sex harness" for all such encounters! With training wheels! And warnings prominently printed on the device! And safety shields! And reflective side markers! And an audible back-up warning! The Re-Pubes want to bust us for having fun, and the Dems want to make sure it is no fun at all!

Spare me from both parties.

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