Saturday, February 21, 2015


There are three horrible "save-me-from-myself" measures always being promoted, and I don't like any of them:

I am opposed to "term limits"!  We already have "term limits" anyway!  They are called "elections," and one can do his or her part to enforce such "term limits" as he or she may wish!  I no longer vote any party line.  Instead, I am doing my best to vote every worthless incumbent out of office, REGARDLESS of party!  We don't need some law to deprive me of my desire to keep sending the same son-of-a-bitch back into office again and again if that is what I want to do.  "Term limits" are not about getting rid of MY asshole; I am perfectly fine with MY asshole; otherwise, I would not keep voting for him!  Instead they are about getting rid of YOUR asshole, whom I despise!  Dave Brat's Virginia voters like him a lot; otherwise they would not have elected him!  They despise California's Nancy Pelosi and want to get rid of her, but her voters like her just fine!  It's Dave Brat they want to get rid of!  Sheesh!

The proposed "balanced-budget" amendment to the Constitution is utterly absurd.  I understand there is already a federal statute requiring a balanced budget, so why would the Congress likely obey the Constitution more than a statute?  Most of them don't care about the Constitution now!  What if the Congress were to not pass a "balanced budget"?  Would such a constitutional violation have to be remedied by the courts, as per usual?  Would we ultimately have as few as five justices on the US Supreme Court acting in the place of a recalcitrant Congress in order to balance the budget?  Anyway, the "budget" is not where the rubber meets the road!  Congress often APPROPRIATES more money than what is "budgeted" and certainly spends more!  Total crap!  Just DO IT!

I also don't like campaign finance "reform."  I don't trust anything using the words "children," "bipartisan" or "reform."  We will get the money out of prostitution quicker than out of politics!  I do not want the government prohibiting me or anyone else from spending as much money as I wish, or combining my money with others, to call whomever a "goddamned lying son-of-a-bitch" right before the election if I so choose.  Money may not BE "speech," but it buys a helluva megaphone!  I realize that there are too many politicians taking too much money from the "wrong" people, but that is considerably aggravated by most people not bothering to vote!  How can we rant and rave about the alleged corruption of the "system" when only 40% of Virginia registered voters bothered to get off their skanky butts and go vote in the 2014 federal elections, or the 43% who bothered to vote in 2013's Virginia "goober-natorial" election?  What were the worthless rest of the registered voters doing on Election Day?  We already have criminal laws prohibiting bribery, and that is what we are really talking about, so let the bribery laws be enforced--or not!  We don't need more laws creating more power for a government that is already drunk with power!  We certainly don't need to adopt laws that empower the unelected Federal Election Commission to decide what political "speech" is permissible!  We have had multiple campaign "reform" laws passed since Watergate, yet the do-gooders clamor for more because NONE of the nonsense already passed is working as they expected!  Every time some law is passed, we are told boastfully that things are gonna work right THIS time, then along come some smart lawyers, and they figure out a way around whatever was passed!  Again and again and again!  It's like General Motors' repeated promises to build cars right THIS time, or Lucy promising Charlie Brown to not yank the football away as he runs up to kick it!  EVERY FALL!  Duh! 

Meanwhile, the "po' widdle" nonvoters sulk and whine about having no voice and no choice while they munch on Chee-tos in front of the TV on Election Day.

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