Wednesday, April 15, 2015


© 5/26/07, 4/15/15.

Black Granite Hole in the ground;
Bomber wing of shame, plunged to Earth, imbedded.
Etched names and hollow, piercing spirit eyes, searing lasers, following me.
Yet I return, time and again, to that wall of wasted lives.

Ceaseless weeping, yet naming not those names.
Anger boils inside me, laser-fired,
Undeclared war.  BULLSHIT!
Par for the course; our gutless Congress
Making the world ever safe for duh-mock-racy.
Déjà vu, all over again.

Wah!  We, the People, not fairly represented, 
Yet thus we choose as we mostly do not vote.
Elders, snugly cushioned in their upholstery, 
Sending innocent patriots to bloody slaughter.
Dulce et decorum est!
Par, indeed, for the course.

Fight ‘em here or fight ‘em there!
If already here, kill ‘em anyway!
For Dog and Country.

I hate the smell of inevitable sorrow in the morning.

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